
Unlocking Earth's Boundless Energy

Magma contains immense energy, with temperatures soaring between 900-1200°C. These extreme temperatures are sustained by convection currents originating deep within the Earth, offering a greater energy output than any other geothermal system.

Our revolutionary Magma Power technology allows us to harness energy from magma just beneath the Earth's crust. With its high energy density and exceptional ability to conduct, convection, and radiate heat, magma chambers are prime candidates for energy extraction. Magma Power’s innovation will enable large-scale, 24/7 energy production, delivering the density, longevity, and efficiency needed to make a transformative impact on the global energy transition.

How Does Magma Power Work?

Utilizing cutting-edge proprietary and patented technology, Magma Power is poised to revolutionize the energy sector by tapping directly into underground magma chambers. This advanced approach allows us to achieve unprecedented energy outputs, surpassing those of traditional renewable energy sources. By harnessing the immense heat and power of magma, we aim to set a new standard for efficiency and sustainability in clean energy production.

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Drill into Magma

We access molten magma by drilling deep into the Earth, implementing our patented heat transfer technology.

Scale the Technology

We expand our renewable energy solutions at each location, ensuring a consistent and sustainable supply of green energy for producing green fuels.

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Harvest Energy

Our patented closed-loop systems efficiently capture and convert energy from magma reservoirs.


Our green-energy technology offers distinct advantages over other forms of energy production, positioning it as a crucial contributor to the decarbonization of the energy sector.

Low cost

Low cost

A single well produces 10x the energy of a conventional well, providing low-cost energy.

base load power

Base load power

Available 24/7. Sustainable for 30 plus years.



Scalable at a single site to 1GW plus.

small footprint

Small footprint

Uses only a fraction of land of other renewables – even less than traditional hydrothermal.

low water user

Low water use

Closed–loop system minimizes water consumption

emission free

Emission free

Closed–loop system avoids harsh chemistry, allowing emission–free operations

Technology Development

Research and experimentation on the properties of magma (e.g., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Syracuse University, Ludwig–Maximilians Universitat Munchin) and the potential for energy extraction (e.g., Sandia National Labroratories, The Iceland Deep Drilling Program, the Krafla Magma Testbed participants) have been conducted by various organizations. As outlined in the figure below, this research has advanced the science and technology development through TRL 5.

Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)

Technology Readiness Levels

Magma Power

From Earth, for Earth: Clean, Renewable Energy

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